How to Order from


  • Enter the quantities you want into the fields beside each product.
  • Click any Cart button See what's in your  shopping cart or "cart" link to review your order.
  • On the cart page you can adjust quantities, choose a shipping method, and see all costs.
  • For payments by mail or by GoldMoney, we will ask for your email and shipping addresses.
  • We gladly ship worldwide. Please ask for a shipping quote if your country isn't in the menu.

International currencies are accepted

You can pay for your order with US dollars or a variety of other currencies. Simply change the currency menu here or on the Cart page. The prices and postage will be displayed in your currency. Alternate currencies are accepted with PayPal.

Ways to pay

Dymo Tape Store wants to make payment as easy, private and flexible as possible.

Check or Money Order

Pay by mailing a check or money order in US dollars drawn on a United States bank, or an international money order in US dollars.


Pay online with PayPal. Draw from your PayPal balance or from a credit card or a bank account.

Buyers without a PayPal account may still use PayPal to make a credit card payment. Please ask us if you need instructions.

US silver coins

Pay by mailing USA 90% silver coins. The shopping cart can show prices in silver coin. Simply change the currency menu here or on the Cart page to "USA Silver Coin".